Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ukraine: Pottery

The earliest potteries found in the territory of Ukraine belong to the Tripoli culture (2.5-2 thousand years BC). This people loved the rich ornament and generously applied it on vases, plates and pots. Undoubtedly, their culture has had a profound influence on later peoples, the Slavs, whose period begins around the VII century BC, aren’t the exception. Pottery of this period resembles the ancient Roman crockery - stamping consists of cuts, stars, straight and wavy lines. However, over the years, not only manufacturing techniques of clay and firing improved, but artistic skill of craftsmen has grown too. By the X century BC pottery became a folk craft - pottery made not only for the needs of the natives, but also for export. By the XI century the Slavs learned to process kaolin clay - the final product looks reminiscent of porcelain of XVIII century and was one of the main fillers of princely treasury. Except dishes Slavs were also made clay figures - the pagan gods, humans, animals, birds, fish and plants. Clay has also become an inherent part of religious ceremonies.

Thank You Helena!

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